What We Inspect

When you’re buying a house, you don’t want to be surprised by problems and malfunctions after moving in — you want to understand what you’re getting into. That’s exactly why there’s no substitute for a professional home inspection. At Chicago Metro Home Inspections, we’re proud to offer the area’s best in exhaustive home inspections. Come to us, and we’ll send you a professional who is trained and certified to examine all the various parts of a home — including mechanical systems, structural issues, electrical and plumbing systems, HVAC, and more. Backed by 25-plus years of experience and an in-depth knowledge of home construction, we’re here to empower you with the information you need to buy with confidence.

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Services We Offer

As a comprehensive home investigation company, Chicago Metro Home Inspections offers a number of services focusing on both the interior and exterior of homes.

Interior Work

Our professionals perform detailed interior inspections of everything from the basement to the attic. This includes:

  • Radon Inspections: Testing your home for radon is the only way to know whether or not it has unsafe levels — the kind that can cause lung cancer over time. Let our professionals conduct the test to see where the property stands.
  • Basement Inspections: When we inspect the basement, we’ll explore the area to find any wetness, foundation issues or related concerns.
  • Asbestos Inspections: We seek any signs of asbestos-containing material; this may include areas such as the roof, walls, siding and more.
  • Mold and Mildew Inspections: We look carefully for any signs of mold or mildew in homes, particularly when it comes to moisture in the basement.
  • Plumbing Inspections: Our experts look at water supply piping — as well as drain, waste and vent piping. Additionally, we examine faucets, fixtures, fuel gas piping, water heaters, and functional flow and discharge drainage.
  • Lead Inspections: In lead inspections, we go surface by surface through a home to see if there’s any lead-based paint and related hazards.
  • HVAC Inspections: There’s a lot that goes into a home’s HVAC system. We’ll look carefully at the heating equipment, central cooling equipment, energy sources and connections, combustion air and exhaust vent systems, condensation drainage, and conditioned air distribution systems.
  • Electrical Inspections: We evaluate the condition of service equipment, electrical panels, circuit wiring, switches, receptacles, outlets and lighting fixtures.
  • Foundation Inspections: When it comes to the home’s foundation, we’re on the lookout for interior and exterior warning signs. Inside, these might include sloping floors, window- or door-closing problems, cracks in walls or tiles, crawlspace and basement wetness, posts, or piers. Foundation inspections also include evaluations of floor framing systems, underfloor ventilation, foundation anchoring, wood separation from soil, and insulation.
  • Crawlspace Inspections: Our inspectors also get inside crawlspaces to spot any mold, mildew or foundation issues showing signs there.
  • Fireplace Inspections: We look carefully at components such as the spark arrestor, firebox and damper, so our fireplace inspections can help you understand the condition of this part of the home.

Exterior Work

Our exterior inspections analyze everything that affects the outside of your home, including:

  • Chimney Inspections: We survey the exterior of your chimney to see if there are any problems you need to understand.
  • Roof Inspections: When it comes to the roof, count on us to evaluate all the various components — including covering, drainage, flashings, penetrations and skylights.
  • Electrical Inspections: Outside your home, we check any electrical connections to ensure they comply with the area’s laws and regulations.

Contact Us

Inside and out, Chicago Metro Home Inspections offers homeowners and real estate agents throughout Chicagoland a better way to inspect properties. To learn more about setting up a home inspection with one of our professionals, call 708-770-6522 or contact us online today!

You can’t see it, smell it or taste it, but it might be lurking in your home right now nonetheless. It’s responsible for a large percentage of the lung cancer deaths in the United States, and you may be exposed to it without even knowing. This deadly intruder is called radon, and it can be...

We put a lot of effort into protecting our houses from burglars and other human intruders. However, one of the most insidious invaders may already be inside your home right this minute. Left unchecked, it can wreak havoc on your family’s health as well as your property values. No locks, alarms or other security measures...

Asbestos has been a dirty word for a long time, and for good reason. The negative effects it can have on people’s long-term health far outweigh whatever benefits it may have. Unfortunately, even though it has been forbidden in the construction industry for decades, it may still be found in many older houses and buildings....

When properly cared for, your home’s fireplace can create a warm, comfy atmosphere on even the chilliest of days. However, it also can cause major problems for you as a homeowner if you’re not careful. This is why Chicago Metro Home Inspections offers complete fireplace and chimney inspection services to ensure that you and your...

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